Psychological Safety at Work Training

Organizations need teams to operate at their best, and one key to performance is psychological safety. A protective and uplifting environment motivates employees to show their authentic selves and bring their best to work.

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    Better everyday decisions

    Understanding the tenets of psychological safety lets employees reduce the barriers to interpersonal risk-taking, and gives them the space and the confidence to speak up and be heard when they need to.

    Topics include:

    • What is psychological safety?
    • Supportive behaviors
    • Inclusion and psychological safety
    • Active listening
    • The connection between psychological safety and preventing burnout
    • Managers’ role in creating a positive team climate

    Psychological Safety at Work Training

    Psychological safety training is about creating an environment where people feel comfortable being genuine and honest about who they are. With more people working remotely or in a hybrid work model, ensuring their psychological safety helps team members adapt to new ways of working. It also builds trust and transparency, improves health and well-being, employee engagement, retention, productivity and innovation. And there is a correlation between providing psychological safety and preventing employee burnout.

    With managers and senior leaders setting the example, fostering psychological safety across the organization removes barriers to employees feeling supported and empowered to take risks, contribute ideas and express themselves without facing negative consequences. In a psychologically safe environment, employees don’t fear being threatened or punished for speaking up, owning up to a mistake, voicing a dissenting opinion and asking for feedback and help. Training employees and managers on psychological safety in the workplace and what it means in their day-to-day activities reinforces the organization’s commitment to a culture of trust, respect and inclusion.

    Online Training

    Psychological Safety at Work

    This 20-minute eLearning course explores the benefits of creating a psychologically safe workplace in which individuals can be their authentic selves.  A video host guides learners through interactive challenges and common questions and situations involving different aspects of psychological safety.

    Section 508 Compliant version

    Built for everyone

    There is nothing more inclusive than providing an easy, consistent, and accessible experience for all of your employees. Traliant provides Section 508-Compliant training that detects and adapts to the individual learner. Our Psychological Safety at Work course is designed to accommodate a range of auditory, visual, intellectual, and kinesthetic abilities.

    The Traliant difference

    Our modern, interactive approach to online compliance training combines up-to-date content and eLearning strategies and technology to raise awareness, motivate positive behavior and foster respectful, inclusive workplaces. Traliant courses are mobile-optimized for access on any device and can be customized to reflect your organization’s industry, policies, culture and branding.

    Learn more about our training methodology

    Create the base for success: ensuring the well-being and psychological safety of your employees creates a multitude of opinions and voices and empowers your organization to succeed.