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Join Traliant’s Partner Program

Let’s build workplace cultures founded on ethical and positive behaviors.

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Join Traliant’s Partner Program

Let’s build workplace cultures founded on ethical and positive behaviors.

Partner Types

We offer partnerships structured three ways to support your organizational goals and ensure the best experience for your customers.


Get the edge on your competition by leveraging our courses and sales expertise. Referral partners use their connections and our marketing tools to drive traffic to a co-branded landing page, and our sales team takes it from there. It’s a minimal lift approach to earning extra revenue for your organization.

Apply todayReferral


Your team sells directly to your customers and prospects. Our team will train you on our proven sales approach and help you connect training from Traliant to your products and services to seamlessly integrate with your sales process. We will also provide marketing tools to help you get your pipeline filled and the conversations started.

Apply todayReseller


Our e-commerce partners use their connections and our marketing tools to drive traffic to a self-service e-commerce platform where customers can preview courses, buy for their team, assign training, and pull reports on assigned courses to manage their training program. This approach keeps costs down, so if a large part of your customer base has 50 or fewer employees, this is a great partner model to explore.

Apply todayE-commerce
Partner Experience Stories

Helping organizations amplify effectiveness

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