Microaggressions and Subtle Acts of Exclusion

Microaggressions harm workforce health, morale, and productivity. Help your employees choose the right behaviors and create a stronger workplace through mutual respect.

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    Better everyday decisions

    Introduce compassion and understanding to employee interactions and decision-making through awareness of the negative impact of everyday slights and snubs.

    This course covers these topics and more:

    • What are Microaggressions
      • Definition of Microaggressions
      • Effects of Microaggressions
    • Examples of Microaggressions
      • Gender Identity
      • Race
      • National Origin
      • Disability
      • Age
      • Religion
      • Gender
    • Avoiding and Responding to Microaggressions
      • Implicit Bias
      • Avoiding Microaggressions
      • If you experience a Microaggression
      • If you commit a Microaggression
    What are Microaggressions?

    The term microaggression has been known in the world of psychology for over 50 years but only recently entered the broader discussion around workplace diversity, inclusion, and unconscious bias.

    Microaggressions are everyday statements or acts that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to others based upon some aspect of their identity. They can arise in written communications, during in-person interactions and any time employees connect online such as video meetings or live chats. Microaggressions may be explicit, such as name-calling, or they may be more subtle, such as backhanded compliments. They can also simply be comments that invalidate the experiences of members of minority groups. Microaggressions can be based on a person’s race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, or other personal characteristics.

    Who Should Take Microaggressions Training?

    While microaggressions may appear to be harmless or even seem like a compliment (telling a person of color “you are so articulate”), they contain demeaning hidden messages that often stem from unconscious biases. Employees who are frequent targets of microaggressions can experience health problems, burnout, and other negative effects from what’s been called a “death by a thousand cuts.”

    All employees can benefit from microaggressions training. The training is particularly important for managers. Through Traliant’s course, employees learn to recognize microaggressions and respond in ways that can lead to positive change, whether they are a target, a bystander, or a microaggressor.

    Online Training

    Microaggressions and Subtle Acts of Exclusion

    Traliant’s Microaggressions and Subtle Acts of Exclusion interactive online course helps learners understand how seemingly small comments or actions can have a negative impact on others and the workplace. This course explains what microaggressions are and the effect they can have on others, examines why certain remarks are considered microaggressions, and provides guidance for responding to microaggressions in a positive and effective manner.

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    Just as acknowledging employees’ contributions lets them know when they’re doing well, preventing everyday slights—intentional or not—by developing  empathy and listening skills can improve individual and team performance and help your business operate mindfully.

    Help your employees make the right decisions, at the right moments

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