We’ve made it easy to take your Sexual Harassment Prevention Training from boring to brilliant!
We’ve made it easy to take your Sexual Harassment Prevention Training from boring to brilliant!
[/dynamicheadline_h1]Our training suite on Preventing Discrimination and Harassment is an essential tool in any workplace that’s looking to build a culture of dignity, respect, and tolerance. The course features interactive videos, viewer engagement scoring, and an episode-based format that keeps viewers interested and engaged.
The course is available in the following versions:
- Languages: English and Spanish
- Work Environments: Office, Hotels, Restaurants, Healthcare, Industrial/Manufacturing/Construction, Municipal
- Roles: Manager and Employee
- Formats: Online, DVD, and Instructor-Led Classroom
- State-Required Training: California (AB 1825, AB 2053, SB 396, SB 400), Connecticut (CHRO Act), New York, and Illinois (SB 75)
For more information, view our Course Summary.