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Security awareness training.

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    Security awareness training.

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      “With Traliant’s numerous industry libraries and courses, we could pick and choose exactly what we needed to help our workforce become that much better at what they do.”

      NMR IT Consulting

      Foster a security-first mindset

      Cybersecurity, data privacy, and evolving regulations are among the top challenges for IT leaders, but there is also the human factor. Employees who don’t know how to recognize the red flags of a phishing attempt or fraudulent website or use weak passwords put organizations and personal and confidential data at risk. As part of a comprehensive cybersecurity and data privacy program, security awareness training helps ensure employees are vigilant; can identify and respond to threats; and understand how to comply with data privacy laws, such as California’s Consumer Privacy Act and the General Data Protection Regulation.

      The Traliant Difference

      Empowering Organizations for Success with Effective Training

      Traliant creates modern, interactive training courses to help organizations meet the challenges of today’s workplace.

      Compliance Expert

      Compliance Expertise

      Benefit from compliance training backed by Traliant’s dedicated in-house legal team. They continuously maintain and update our courses across all jurisdictions, ensuring your organization remains compliant with evolving regulations

      Learn moreCompliance Expertise
      Engaging Course Content

      Engaging and Accessible Courses

      Adhere to a high standard of accessibility while captivating employees with interactive games and a story-based approach, ensuring that training is not only memorable but also inclusive and resonates with all.

      Learn moreEngaging and Accessible Courses
      custom courses

      Tailored Experience

      Customize courses quickly and efficiently to reflect your brand, relevant policies, and even your company’s distinct work environment, creating a custom learning experience unique to your business.

      Learn moreTailored Experience

      Help your employees make the right decisions, at the right moments

      CTA Arrow

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