Inclusive Management: Hiring and Onboarding

Empower managers to champion inclusivity from day one, fostering a workplace culture that stands out in today’s competitive job market.

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    Better everyday decisions

    Effective training can provide managers with the knowledge and tools they need to help them prioritize inclusivity and equity during the recruiting, hiring, and onboarding processes.

    Professional Hiring

    This training covers these topics and more:

    • Overcoming bias
    • Unintentional impacts of unconscious bias on recruiting, hiring, and onboarding
    • Writing job descriptions
    • Exclusionary Language
    • Objective interview questions
    • How to actively support all new hires

    Hiring and Onboarding Training

    As the initial touchpoints for candidates and new hires, the hiring and onboarding processes are pivotal moments where your organization’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is revealed. In today’s competitive hiring landscape, demonstrating this commitment is essential for attracting and retaining top talent.

    Training managers can ensure that every interaction during the hiring and onboarding process reflects the value that your organization places on diversity, equity and inclusion. By providing managers with skills to recognize and mitigate biases, promote diversity in candidate pools, and create inclusive onboarding experiences, organizations can cultivate a workplace culture where every individual feels respected, valued, and empowered from the very start. Investing in inclusive management training not only enhances your organization’s reputation as a leader in diversity and inclusion but also strengthens employee engagement, retention, and overall success in today’s competitive market.

    Inclusive Management Hiring Considerations
    Online Training

    Inclusive Management: Hiring and Onboarding

    Traliant’s Inclusive Management: Hiring and Onboarding training is a 25-minute course that equips managers with the skills and tools they need to engage in inclusive management practices during the recruiting, hiring, and onboarding processes. Managers will interact with relatable scripted scenes and scenarios that will help them gain a deeper understanding of inclusive management.

    Empowering Organizations for Success with Effective Training

    The Traliant Difference

    Traliant creates modern, interactive training courses to help organizations meet the challenges of today’s workplace.

    Compliance Expert

    Compliance Expertise

    Benefit from compliance training backed by Traliant’s dedicated in-house legal team. They continuously maintain and update our courses across all jurisdictions, ensuring your organization remains compliant with evolving regulations.

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    Engaging Course Content

    Engaging and Accessible Courses

    Adhere to a high standard of accessibility while captivating employees with interactive games and a story-based approach, ensuring that training is not only memorable but also inclusive and resonates with all.

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    custom courses

    Tailored Experience

    Customize courses quickly and efficiently to reflect your brand, relevant policies, and even your company’s distinct work environment, creating a custom learning experience specific unique to your business.

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    Tailored for Your Organization

    Supported in over 100 languages, Traliant’s training courses can be tailored with an organization’s branding, images, policies, and video message to provide employees with a custom experience.