Avoiding Insider Trading Training

Insider trading directly affects public confidence in the securities market and can happen at any level of your organization. When employees know their responsibilities, they can help protect themselves and the business.

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    Better everyday decisions

    Teams will learn practical and applicable information that helps them to recognize, understand, avoid, and report insider trading based on your policies.

    Topics covered include:

    • What is insider trading
    • Why insider trading is illegal
    • What is considered “material, nonpublic information”
    • Who can commit insider trading
    • The penalties for insider trading
    • The special rules for trades made by certain corporate insiders, and
    • How to report concerns about insider trading
    Avoiding Insider Trading Training

    Insider trading is a serious crime with serious consequences for individuals and companies. Because insider trading undermines the public confidence in the securities market, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) makes detecting and prosecuting insider trading violations a priority. Both small and large transactions can result in SEC investigations and costly lawsuits. Further, an “insider” doesn’t have to be a senior executive.

    There are many examples of charges and penalties against employees at all levels, friends, family members, business associates and others who make trades based on material, nonpublic information (MNPI).

    Training employees on their responsibilities to prevent insider trading is an important step in complying with insider trading laws and reducing the risk of insider trading violations.

    Why Train?

    Companies should provide periodic training on how to avoid insider trading to all employees. Insider trading isn’t just a risk for senior executives or large shareholders. Any employee can violate insider trading laws if they learn of “material, nonpublic information” and trade based on that information. Employees can also violate insider trading laws if they tip off friends or family members and they make such trades.

    Because insider trading is a crime, it can tarnish an organization’s reputation and threaten the future profitability of the company. It can also pose a legal risk to the company, which can face disruptive and expensive investigations that can lead to significant fines and penalties.

    While most employees do not have malicious intent, they may inadvertently violate insider trading laws if they do not receive training on how to comply with the nuances of these laws. As a result, public companies, and businesses that may learn of material, nonpublic information about public companies, should provide all their employees with practical training on how to comply with insider trading laws.

    Online Training

    Avoiding Insider Trading

    Traliant’s Avoiding Insider Trading training is a 20-minute course that explains insider trading, including the use of material, non-public information (MNPI), and how to steer clear of this unlawful conduct. This course is for anyone working in either a public or private organization that needs to be aware of and respect the laws governing insider trading. Through engaging, interactive content and real-world scenarios, employees gain a deeper understanding of illegal trading and best practices to effectively identify and prevent illegal activities.

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    The Traliant difference

    Traliant is dedicated to creating interactive compliance training for a diverse, mobile workforce. Our Avoiding Insider Trading course explains the concept of illegal insider trading and what employees need to know and do to avoid the serious consequences of violating insider trading laws.

    Learn more about our training methodology

    Protecting your business against insider trading requires creating awareness among all your employees, enabling them to be confident in their compliance and empowered to reduce violations that create harm.

    Insider Training FAQs

    To cultivate a compliance-friendly culture within a company and ensure employees feel safe to report violations, several strategic measures can be implemented. Firstly, it is essential to establish a transparent compliance policy that is clearly communicated to all employees. This policy should outline the procedures for reporting violations and assure employees of protection against any form of retaliation.

    Secondly, regular and engaging compliance training sessions are crucial. Training not only educates employees about the rules and regulations they need to follow but also about how they can report any suspicious activities safely. Traliant provides customizable Insider Trading training programs that can be adapted to the specific needs of an organization’s policies. This approach ensures that employees worldwide receive consistent training and updates on compliance standards.

    Moreover, fostering an environment where transparency is valued and encouraged by senior management can significantly enhance the effectiveness of such initiatives. Creating multiple channels for reporting, such as anonymous hotlines or digital reporting tools, also ensures that employees have various options to report issues confidentially and securely. Through these combined efforts, companies can build a robust culture of compliance where employees are empowered to act without fear of reprisal.

    When a company uncovers potential instances of securities fraud or insider trading, it is crucial for them to act swiftly and effectively. The following steps are generally advised:

    Immediate Investigation: Initiate a thorough internal investigation to understand the scope and specifics of the alleged misconduct.
    Suspension of Involved Parties: Temporarily suspend any employees under investigation to ensure that they do not have the opportunity to further manipulate the system or destroy evidence.
    Legal and Regulatory Guidance: Consult with legal experts to ensure the approach aligns with current laws and regulations. This step is crucial to handle the situation legally and appropriately.
    Reporting to Authorities: If the preliminary investigation confirms wrongdoing, the incident should be reported to the appropriate regulatory bodies. This may include the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the U.S., for instance.
    Transparency and Communication: Communicate clearly with all stakeholders, including shareholders and employees, about the situation and the steps being taken to address it, without compromising the integrity of the investigation.

    By taking these actions, companies demonstrate their commitment to legal compliance and ethical conduct, thereby protecting their reputation and the interests of their stakeholders.

    To safeguard integrity and maintain regulatory compliance, companies are encouraged to routinely perform compliance audits. These investigations help verify that insider trading policies remain not only effective but also aligned with current laws and regulations.

    Assessing Controls: Regular audits measure the robustness of existing controls. This is crucial for preventing and detecting any breach of policies which might otherwise go unnoticed.

    Identifying Improvement Areas: This process isn’t just about finding flaws—it’s also an opportunity to enhance. By identifying areas where policies can be strengthened, a company stays ahead of potential risks.

    Conducting these audits, whether through an internal audit team or an external firm, ensures that companies can trust their insider trading procedures to protect both their interests and those of their stakeholders. Regular audits, therefore, act as a preventive mechanism and an investment in the company’s ethical standards and regulatory compliance.

    Data analytics is increasingly becoming a crucial tool for corporations to oversee employee trading activities and detect instances of potential insider trading. Here’s how it works:

    Pattern Recognition: By analyzing trading patterns, data analytics tools can highlight transactions that deviate from normal behavior. For instance, if an employee makes an unusually large stock transaction right before a major company announcement, this could flag a need for further investigation.

    Timeliness of Trades: Another key function is the monitoring of the timeline between an employee gaining access to confidential information and their subsequent stock trades. A notably short interval between these two events could indicate suspicious activity and necessitate a deeper look.

    Through these methods, data analytics helps firms maintain integrity and compliance in financial transactions, ensuring that employee trading actions remain above board.

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