Ethical Leadership Training
Recognizing and applying the values of ethical leadership to meet the challenges of today’s evolving workplace
Better everyday decisions
As part of ongoing efforts to foster a culture of integrity, transparency, respect and responsibility, employees should have a clear understanding of what ethical leadership is, why it’s important and how to demonstrate ethical behaviors in their daily tasks and interactions.
The course covers these topics and more:
- What is ethical leadership
- Characteristics of ethical leaders
- Importance of communication and trust
- Key business benefits
Ethical Leadership Training
Workplace dilemmas and conflicting values have become commonplace in today’s complex business environment, putting ethical leadership, or the lack of it, in the spotlight. Whether decisions are large or small, each day employees have an opportunity to put the principles of ethical leadership into practice.
Organizations that foster ethical leadership can enjoy many benefits, including a stronger workplace culture that meets stakeholders’ expectations, attracts and retains talent and improves teamwork and performance.
Training employees on the principles, concepts and traits of ethical leadership is one of many positive steps that organizations can take to reinforce the importance of doing what is right and preventing misconduct and the negative consequences that follow.
Online Training
Ethical Leadership
This 10-minute course introduces employees to the concept of ethical leadership and the key traits shared by ethical leaders, along with examples of ethical principles in action. Interactive challenges, viewer emails and tweets reinforce key concepts and address common questions.
The Traliant difference
Our modern, interactive approach to online compliance training combines up-to-date content and eLearning strategies and technology to raise awareness, motivate positive behavior and foster respectful, inclusive workplaces. Traliant courses are mobile-optimized for access on any device and can be customized to reflect your organization’s industry, policies, culture and branding.
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