Introduction to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)

Ensure your employees understand the principles and practices of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

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    Better everyday decisions

    Training and engaging employees on what ESG means and how they can contribute is one of the key factors in the overall success of ESG initiatives.

    The course covers these topics and more:

    • What is ESG and why is it important?
    • Examples of environmental, social and governance factors
    • Aligning policies and operations with ESG priorities
    • What employees can do to support their organization’s ESG initiatives

    Introduction to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)

    ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance – three factors that provide a framework for investors and business leaders to evaluate a company’s value and potential for future growth. Beyond investors, ESG is becoming increasingly important to customers, consumers, partners, employees and the communities in which companies operate.

    ESG factors can relate to activities across an organization and impact every aspect of a company’s operations. For example, environmental factors include policies and practices related to carbon emissions, air and water pollution, biodiversity and waste.

    Social factors cover issues such as diversity, equity and inclusion, human rights and worker safety. Governance looks at how a company operates internally, its practices, controls, procedures and corporate behavior, including ethics and bribery and corruption.

    Regardless of the industry, region or company size, all employees can benefit from a general understanding of what ESG is, why it matters, and the connection between this evolving area and the organization’s values, principles and practices.


    Online Training

    Introduction to ESG

    This 10-minute course introduces employees and managers to ESG concepts and goals. Interactive segments cover core ESG components: environment, social and governance. A video host, viewer tweets and knowledge checks keep this training interactive and engaging.

    The Traliant difference

    Our modern, interactive approach to online compliance training combines up-to-date content and eLearning strategies and technology to raise awareness, motivate positive behavior and foster respectful, inclusive workplaces. Traliant courses are mobile-optimized for access on any device and can be customized to reflect your organization’s industry, policies, culture and branding.

    Learn more about our training methodology

    When employees are aware of the importance of ESG, they can provide meaningful support for an organization’s sustainability efforts and help build a stronger business.

    Help your employees make the right decisions, at the right moments

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