Records Management

All employees have a responsibility to protect records and information that help your organization meet its business needs and regulatory requirements.

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    Better everyday decisions

    Understanding how to safely create, share and retain records enables employees to actively protect information, make better business decisions and ensure business continuity.

    The Records Management training course covers: 

    • The purpose and benefits of records management 
    • Records management systems, policies, and procedures 
    • Complying with regulations and laws 
    • Records management responsibilities 
    • Examples of different types of records 
    • Records management lifecycle 

    Records Management Training

    Whether it’s sensitive personal data, sales forecasts, emails, social media posts or new product specs, all employees need to know the rules and policies pertaining to business records and their role in safely and legally handling information. Employee training is one of the essential records management best practices 

    Online Training

    Records Management

    Records Management is a 15-minute course that provides employees with a basic understanding of records management and the importance of following the organization’s policies, guidelines and regulatory requirements. Interactive challenges and viewer emails and tweets address common questions and prompt learners to think about the records that are unique to their business and job responsibilities. 

    The Traliant difference

    In today’s multimedia landscape that’s dominated by rapid-fire content, viewer control, and instant gratification, it’s more challenging than ever to capture and maintain people’s attention. That’s why our course is modeled after the Netflix and CNN viewing experience rather than your typical boring compliance training. Viewers love it too: in post-course surveys, our training has been rated an average of 4.7 out of 5 stars by the users themselves.

    Learn more about our training methodology

    Managing records appropriately helps reduce risk and strengthen a company’s business continuity, accountability to stakeholders and compliance standing.

    Help your employees make the right decisions, at the right moments

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