Recycling at Work

Creating a sustainable workplace enhances employee and customer engagement and ESG efforts

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    Better everyday decisions

    Training and engaging employees on what ESG means and how they can contribute is one of the key factors in the overall success of ESG initiatives.

    Recycling at Work course covers these topics and more:

    • What is recycling?
    • Benefits of recycling
    • What should and shouldn’t go into recycling containers
    • Tips for recycling paper, plastics, glass, electronics and other items

    Recycling at Work Training

    Recycling at Work Training

    While the benefits of recycling are well known, even well-intentioned people can get recycling wrong. Training employees on the fundamentals of recycling is one of many positive steps organizations can take to demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and ensuring recycling policies and practices are successful.

    Online Training

    Recycling at Work

    Recycling at Work is a 15-minute course for employees that provides an overview of recycling practices in the workplace. Interactive exercises, viewer emails and tweets address common questions and issues, challenge assumptions about what is and isn’t recyclable and provide practical ways that employees can make a difference.

    The Traliant difference

    Our modern, interactive approach to online compliance training combines up-to-date content and eLearning strategies and technology to raise awareness, motivate positive behavior and foster respectful, inclusive workplaces. Traliant courses are mobile-optimized for access on any device and can be customized to reflect your organization’s industry, policies, culture and branding.

    Learn more about our training methodology

    Demonstrate social responsibility and reduce your organization’s environmental footprint by raising employee awareness of your organization’s recycling program.

    Help your employees make the right decisions, at the right moments

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