Sexual Harassment Training for Australia

Harassment and discrimination pose significant challenges, affecting the well-being and performance of employees across Australia. Provide your employees with training designed to cultivate a safe and inclusive environment for every individual within your organization.

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    Better everyday decisions

    A workplace of mutual respect helps to protect your overall reputation and attract new employees while retaining the ones that have been loyal to your company for years.

    map of Australia within the harassment prevention course

    This sexual harassment training covers these topics and more:

    • Workplace civility
    • Protected characteristics
    • Abusive conduct and bullying
    • Hostile work environment
    • Sexual harassment
    • Bystander intervention
    • Supervisors’ duties
    • Reporting harassment
    • Confidentiality
    • Retaliation

    Preventing Discrimination and Harassment Training for Australia

    Fostering a workplace culture that is respectful and inclusive is foundational to organizational success. Effectively preventing sexual harassment and discrimination plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal. By regularly training employees on harassment and discrimination prevention, organizations not only reinforce acceptable behavior but also demonstrate a commitment to prioritizing employee well-being and upholding ethical standards.

    Utilizing modern, interactive compliance training serves as a strategic and practical method for Australian organizations to communicate their ethical behavior expectations effectively. By providing concrete examples and scenarios, training programs can help employees understand the importance of preventing harassment and discrimination and equip them with the necessary tools to identify, report, and prevent such incidents.

    Additionally, fostering a workplace culture that prioritizes respect and inclusivity not only improves employee morale and productivity but also enhances the organization’s reputation and attracts top talent. By investing in comprehensive training programs, Australian organizations demonstrate their commitment to creating safe and welcoming environments where every individual can thrive. This proactive approach not only prevents incidents of harassment and discrimination but also promotes a culture of empathy, understanding, and mutual respect, ultimately driving long-term success and prosperity for the organization and its employees alike.

    inappropriate advances in the workplace training quote
    Online Training

    Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for Australia

    Traliant’s Preventing Workplace Harassment – Australia Edition training is a 45-minute course designed to help employees and managers recognize and prevent instances of harassment, emphasizing the importance of respectful behavior expected by organizations worldwide. Users are prompted to specify where they work to receive location-specific instruction, helping ensure organizations comply with sexual harassment training laws across different jurisdictions.

    Additionally, Traliant offers specialized versions for Canada, Global, UK and the US, aligning with relevant regional laws and regulations. For businesses with high turnover rates, a shortened 20-minute Essentials version is also offered, providing essential training in a condensed format.

    quiz show screen within the training

    Learning Design

    Traliant captivates employees through interactive games and story-based learning to create a dynamic, engaging learning experience. Leveraging the timeless power of storytelling, Traliant taps into the proven human preference for learning through narratives. Employees are presented with nuanced scenarios, many inspired by real cases, prompting them to deeply engage and thoughtfully assess each situation. Traliant’s sexual harassment training avoids lecturing employees with a simplistic list of “do’s” and “don’ts,” and delves into the intricacies of “gray area” situations that employees might encounter in real life. Through this, employees better comprehend the potential repercussions of their actions.

    With a “No-Fail” assessment strategy, Traliant’s training ensures every employee masters the course content and eliminates the possibility of failure. To successfully complete the workplace harassment training, employees must complete the Quiz Show. Each cell in the Quiz Show represents a major principle taught in the course. If the learner misses the first question in a cell, the course provides the learner feedback and then provides another question on the same topic. The learner cannot complete the course before correctly answering a question in each cell.

    Key Features

    Go Beyond “Check-the-Box” Training with Traliant

    It’s time to move beyond the traditional “check the box” mentality and embrace a new era of online compliance training that truly empowers your employees.

    Equal Opportunity Law Compliant

    Covers relevant equal opportunity laws for 38 countries such as France, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and many more.

    Free Legal Updates

    Traliant’s in-house legal expertise training is accurate and kept up-to-date with any changes in global regulations

    No Reruns

    A new course is provided each year at no cost so your employees aren’t forced to take the same training year after year.

    Accessible to Users with Disabilities

    Traliant provides an inclusive experience for all users, including those with disabilities, by going beyond Section 508-C standards and offering WCAG 2.1 AA.


    Training is available in English and supported in over 100 languages

    Instructional Design

    A story-based approach with an engaging design focuses on the nuances of “gray areas.”

    Course Customizations

    Tailor courses to include your logo, relevant policies, workplace images, and more. Traliant can even customize the course with scenarios that take place in your own workplace environment.

    Course Administration

    Traliant makes it simple to roll out training to your workplace and provide technical support directly to your employees at no additional cost.

    Compliance Expertise

    Required Legal Expertise for Training

    Traliant’s in-house legal expertise ensures our training courses are legally accurate and up-to-date with changes in the law. Traliant’s Chief Strategy Officer, Michael Johnson, is one of the leading experts in harassment law in the country. A former U.S. Department of Justice attorney and a graduate of Harvard Law School, Mr. Johnson brought one of the DOJ’s first class-action style sexual harassment lawsuits. He has provided training and consulting to organizations such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Google, the United Nations, and the World Bank. Michael leads our Compliance Advisory Team, whose members have decades of experience practicing employment law for large law firms and Fortune 500 companies.

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    Tailored for Your Organization

    Available in English, Spanish and supported in over 100 languages, Traliant’s sexual harassment training can be tailored with an organization’s branding, images, policies, and video message to provide employees with a custom experience.

    Policy and Employee Handbook Service

    Ensuring an employee handbook adheres to pertinent laws and regulations can pose a daunting challenge for businesses. With Traliant’s Policy & Employee Handbook service, employers can confidently navigate regulatory changes effectively and maintain an employee handbook that meets compliance requirements and aligns with industry best practices.

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    What Our Customers are Saying About Sexual Harassment Training

    Help your employees make the right decisions, at the right moments

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      Contact Traliant today to see how we can redefine compliance and foster a positive workplace.