Fire Extinguisher Safety

Meeting safety regulations to operate fire extinguishers safely and successfully in the workplace is essential to protecting employees and property.

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    Better everyday decisions

    Recognizing and preventing fire hazards and knowing how and when to use a fire extinguisher reduces the risk of fire emergencies, employee injuries and property damage.

    Fire Extinguisher Safety covers these topics and more:

    • Emergency action plans & fire prevention plans
    • OSHA options for fight or flight
    • Purpose of fire extinguisher
    • Fire classification & characteristics
    • Fire extinguisher types & identification
    • How to operate a fire extinguisher using the PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze & Sweep) method
    • Hazards associated with incipient stage of fires
    • When not to fight a fire
    • Fire extinguisher maintenance, testing & inspection

    Fire Extinguisher Safety Training

    Understanding how to prevent fires, the risks associated with fires and how to respond in emergency situations are important steps in maintaining a safe and secure workplace. Training employees on how to access and properly use fire extinguishers to control incipient stage fires is an essential part of an emergency preparedness plan to protect employees from harm.

    Early intervention can make a huge difference in minimizing damage and preventing injuries. Helping employees understand when to fight or flee a fire emergency as well as how to properly operate an extinguisher and the PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze & Sweep) method can avoid panic and confusion. With training, employees can react confidently and take swift action in an emergency to help prevent fires, reduce damage and save lives.

    Online Training

    Fire Extinguisher Safety

    Traliant’s Fire Extinguisher Safety training is a 35-minute course explaining how to assess the environment and determine if conditions are favorable to use a fire extinguisher safely and successfully. The course covers how a fire extinguisher works, what type to use and the correct procedure for using one.

    Traliant’s Fire Extinguisher Safety course, coupled with hands-on training and a fire prevention plan, aligns with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements to train employees who may need to operate fire extinguishers in the work environment.

    The Traliant difference

    Our modern, interactive approach to online compliance training combines up-to-date content and eLearning strategies and technology to raise awareness, motivate positive behavior and foster respectful, inclusive workplaces. Traliant courses are mobile-optimized for access on any device and can be customized to reflect your organization’s industry, policies, culture and branding.

    Learn more about our training methodology

    Workforce training on how and when to use fire extinguishers can reduce injuries and save lives by preventing a fire from growing out of control and keeps an employer compliant with safety regulations.

    Help your employees make the right decisions, at the right moments

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