Online ADA Compliance Training

Equip employees with accommodations training to foster a positive work culture.

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    This 30-minute eLearning course takes a holistic approach to the topic of accommodations in the workplace. Frontline managers learn how to recognize and respond to different types of accommodation requests and address common questions and situations. A video host guides managers through brief episodes, featuring real-world examples, viewer email and other interactions designed to test knowledge and boost retention.

    The course covers these topics and more:

    • Managers’ role in recognizing and responding to accommodation requests
    • Definition of reasonable accommodations
    • Examples of different accommodation requests
    • Accommodations under the ADA and PDA
    • Accommodations for domestic violence and religious discrimination
    • 5 common myths about handling reasonable accommodations

    For more information, view our Disability, Pregnancy, and Religious Accommodations Training